Notes from the April 7th Meeting

Section covering the North East of England (including the old Border section and Northumberland section)
Posts: 126
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:26 pm
Location: Northumberland, England

Notes from the April 7th Meeting

Post by nomisimon »

The North East Section had its second meeting at the Robin Hood Inn on the 7th April 2022.

The days were still a bit chilly, the nights somewhat freezing and sunset was a little before 8. Add a scattering of powdery salt on the roads and it’s understandable that we all arrived by car. There were seven of us…we’d expected a few others but two were away and one tested positive to COVID.

We’re still getting things going and preparing for the lighter, warmer days. Ride Outs were discussed and two relatively local museums that have motorcycle exhibits are within range, and will give our bikes a decent airing. One is The Hub Museum in Alston and the other is the Vintage Motorcycle Museum in Carlisle. There are some great roads in our area too, those from Hexham up to Kielder on the B6320 and the other from Hexham to Hartside Café on the A686 and its incredible views…on a good day. Both are popular with motorcyclists.

A quick internet search reveals a couple of other collections a bit further afield…the Silloth Motorcycle Museum, and Craven’s Motorcycle Museum near York.

Cylinder head and valve problems seem to be the order of the day right now, with another member bringing their cylinder head for investigation. Hopefully he has a solution now, but it’s raised the issue that replacement exhaust valve rocker arms are rather thin on the ground for 350 and 500 singles. There seem to be stirrings from all members…bikes are being made ready for the finer weather.

Our next meeting is on the 5th May at the Robin Hood Inn ( NE18 0LL) from 7pm.

Simon Robinson
Thank God for Southby