Ready for Salisbury?

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Ready for Salisbury?

Post by 56G80S »

Hi All

Thanks to help from Ron Walker, who did the 70 mile plus round trip down from Bishop Auckland to help me refit the barrel, the G80S is back on the road.

After the first couple of short runs I had to re-introduce slack in the primary that had tightened up (a good thing is there is no tight spot on the chain), adjusted the dynamo chain while I was at it as that had slackened a little, the rear was spot on after I had put the whip right on the primary, topped up the gearbox oil and adjusted the bar end mirrors which I didn't get right in the first place. The barrel bottom nuts had slackened a little so I nipped them up. Checked the tappets as I had deliberately left them a tad slack but they were fine, not so slack as they were so a good thing I had set them a tad loose. I'll need to slacken off the front brake a bit more as it was biting before the lever was parallel with the 'bars. Ironically, the rear brake seems much sharper than it was. I Ron was right about about me comparing the Matchless with the recently sold Yamahaha.

So now close to 100 miles out from first ride after yesterday afternoon's ride. I'll re-check some things again before going out next time, particularly the chains and tappets. I notice that the plug is fairly sooty despite no air filter but rather run rich than lean with the new kit. Started first kick yesterday so can't be too much wrong.

Compression is good and hope to get enough miles in to be fettled for the Salisbury Jampot albeit still keeping to a stately 45 mph at the moment and making sure I don't labour up hills, basically avoiding hills. Ordered a USB/power take-off cigarette lighter socket for the handlebars. Found a handlebar mounting for the phone onto the handlebars.

Camp bed with legs arrived so I at Salisbury I'll have enough height for the urine to drain out of the stoma pouch and into the night bag, things to think about! It's a new life, but life. Might put the panniers on with a little weight in them next run out.

By the way, I noticed Jet garage E5 at Stokesley, was £1.58 per litre unless I was seeing things.

Johnny B
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Re: Ready for Salisbury?

Post by 1608 »

Yes, always look forward to the JP rally. Glad to hear the g80 is doing well. And, I've actually got a Z bed to fit in the tent too. The only thing I hate about camping now is sleeping on the ground. Hope the weather is fine.
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Re: Ready for Salisbury?


On the subject of Jampot rallies and camping here’s some Sussex folklore which gets re-told at every section camping event…..

(John [RIP], mid 80’s):
Mike,…. Mike, ….Mike, …are you awake? ….Mike….Mike…!”

(Mike, late 70’s and very deaf):
“Yes I am now. What’s up?”

“Me airbed’s gone down”.

(Much rustling and grunting)

“Maybe you’ve knocked the valve. Where’s the torch?”

“You’ve got it. You were last to bed”.

“No, I gave it to you for when you get up for a pee. Perhaps it's in the porch. (More huffing and puffing). …..Nope. It’s not there”.

“Oh, I’ve got it. It was in one of my boots”.

(More muttering and grunting…..Finally…………

“Yer daft bugger, you’ve rolled off yer airbed and you’re on the ground”.

( :rofl: Stifled laughter from nearby tents).


After very many pints one of our section members (who shall remain nameless) used to talk in his sleep. In the early hours he woke several of us in nearby tents by shouting out: “Help me, help me!”
A nearby German camper got up and wandered around for some while in just his unterhosen looking for who was in distress, but all was quiet.
An hour or so later I woke again to noises like someone was trying to nick our sleep-talking pal's bike which was beside his tent.
I stuck my head out and watched as he changed the spark plug in his G80CS and went back to bed. Next morning he had no recollection of his moonlight fettling.
'There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood............'
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Re: Ready for Salisbury?

Post by 56G80S »


I generally grind my teeth as well as snore. Now well over 100 miles on. The chains have stabilised at the right whip. There's a loss of oil from, I think, the rear pump plate but oil circulating well. May test the tightness but VERY carefully. Don't have a spare paper gasket and used a little Welseal when I put this one on.

Matchless inclined to speed up a bit and found myself at over 55mph.

Before the ride today the plug was much less sooty, electrodes and insulation a very dark brown.

Wil have to try a run with the packed camp bed.

Johnny B
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Re: Ready for Salisbury?

Post by 56G80S »

Rear pump plate nipped up. I find this nervy. With hindsight I should've converted all the bolts to studs while I was doing the one. Years ago I broke a bolt and the repair was weak. That's the one I've converted to a stud.

Plug colour improves further with each run out.

Johnny B
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