Roads Meltdown Danger

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Roads Meltdown Danger

Post by Eamonn »

Concerned over an increasing number of reports of melting tar on Britain's roads, the British Motorcyclists Federation has written to road maintenance authorities asking that the safety of motorcycle and scooter riders be considered when gritting or 'dusting' melted road surfaces.

In the recent heat wave that has seen temperatures regularly above 30°C in parts of the country (and even road closures due to the damage done to some roads in Cornwall), the BMF is concerned that over zealous and indiscriminate use of grit or sand surface-dressings to stabilise road surfaces can lead to an excessive build up of loose dressings, so adding to and not reducing the hazard for motorcycle and scooter users.

In writing to the Highways Agency and all Local Authorities with responsibility for road maintenance, the BMF point out that build-ups at up at kerbside, the lane centre, road centres and around traffic islands and roundabouts create a real hazard for the two-wheeled user and have asked that a safety audit should be undertaken before gritting or sanding takes place.

Early replies are encouraging with highway departments aware of the inherent dangers to two wheeled vehicle users. Commenting, Richard Olliffe, the BMF's Government Relations Executive said: "This hot spell has been exceptional and while melting tar is a hazard to all road users, short-term measures can bring an extra danger to motorcyclists and it's this that we wanted to highlight. I'm very pleased with the positive responses we have had so far."

This action is part of the BMF's programme of improving roads for motorcyclists and scooter users. See Report-A-Road, the BMF's web based road-defect reporting facility for more:
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