Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

This area is for discussion/information on the "modern" AJS motorcycles manufactured in China from 2006 onwards.
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by GSAX1 »

Enjoy your bike as much as possible,for now we are dinosaurs.

Actually the dinosaurs ruled the Earth for some 300 million years, and many of them are still with us. Birds are direct descendants from dinosaurs for instance. Also the dinosaurs were very well adapted to life on Earth. They were much more robust than humans, and it was an extraterrestial event that ended their reign, not that they were unfit.

Humans are much more fragile as a species. We have been on top of the food chain for, how long, some few hundreds or thousand years? We are much too complex and selfdestructive, and will soon be extinct too. And the dinos will return to take over earth once again. Edited by - GSAX1 on 19 Apr 2012 10:50:50 AM
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by orbinrangle »

Will they be riding AMC stuff too?
I saw this film once but it wasn't dinosaurs ruling the earth, it was chimps and gorillas.
They've already taken over parliament.....
R J Rawle
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by shirt_r »

This post is going off topic slightly,
If we can steer it back to the bikes thanks...

Nearly got the wife to agree, Now just need to find the bike...
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by GSAX1 »

This post is going off topic slightly,
If we can steer it back to the bikes thanks...

The dino thing IS related to bikes . Nature dislikes complexity, and will seek to break down complex things into less complex things whenever possible. This applies to bikes because a less complex bike (like an old AMC bike) wil most likely have a longer lifespan than a modern (read: complex) bike.
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by Janet »

This post is going off topic slightly,
If we can steer it back to the bikes thanks...

Sorry, I was trying to explain the reaction you got here.
If you're totally brand new to bikes and your wife has given her blessing, don't delay in case she changes her mind but get on with it, whatever the bike. Once you've overcome that first hurdle, buying more bikes, different bikes, add-ons to bikes etc will be easy in comparison.
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by orbinrangle »

Richard, welcome to the mumblings of old men. It's all part of the fun of the forum.
You've had good advice and seem to be moving in a sensible direction. Pass your test and there's a huge variety of machinery out there, new and old.
Nothing beats the joys of running and old bike but if you're looking for minimum maintenance and reliability, I'd go Japanese. The Chinese will get there but still have a way to go.
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by itma »

as the man said

".....the rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road......"

our bikes were made for following that road, and like those roads there will be digressions, getting lost, dead ends diversions and the occasional collision but we get there in the end sooner or later.
Its what classic and vintage bikes are all about.

or if you like, vague rambling old geezers, lost in the mists of time.....
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by shirt_r »

"If you're totally brand new to bikes and your wife has given her blessing, don't delay in case she changes her mind"

Dont worry I'm trying, although you Ladies are cunning, my bike fund seems to have bought her a new coat and shoes, un-be‘known to me until now...

"as the man said
".....the rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road......"
our bikes were made for following that road, and like those roads there will be digressions, getting lost, dead ends diversions and the occasional collision but we get there in the end sooner or later.
Its what classic and vintage bikes are all about.
or if you like, vague rambling old geezers, lost in the mists of time.....

I come on here for some bike advice and end up getting a philosophy lesson, who’d a thunk it ...
Thanks again all,
Edited by - shirt_r on 19 Apr 2012 4:21:00 PM
Nearly got the wife to agree, Now just need to find the bike...
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by dogwheel »

In your position I'd buy a decent used Honda CG125, it'll serve the purpose as well as any 125cc bike, spares are easy and cheap,--and when you sell it, you will most likely get your money back.
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Thinking about a new AJS, Help....

Post by alanjennings »

4 pages on and the same old arguments! 2 wheels is good, 4 wheels bad!!
Alan [Morini] Jennings