exhaust system for a g11

Information relating to the Matchless G11 or AJS Model 30 600cc twin
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by TommoT »

Well, being from a country that has roused the wrath of a certain community all over the globe, I can probably survive calling upon me the wrath of small UK company that has not grasped the meaning of customer relationship!

Does is begin with an A and ends with an r with a splash of o, m and u? I thought so......

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exhaust system for a g11

Post by piston »

yep tommot thats them. choice between a bad joke and them? give me the bad joke any dayEdited by - A Moderator on 16 Mar 2006 08:25:53 AM
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by lawrence »

OK, lets tone it down eh?
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by ajscomboman »

Gentlemen i think that it's fair to say that at one time or another there has been a problem with the fore mentioned supplier. However please can i ask you to think carefully about your replies. The Club Committee has had enough trouble with insurance issues, we don't want more trouble heaped upon us.

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exhaust system for a g11

Post by Dave Walker »

My apologies for encouraging that departure from discretion.

Surely though there must be a strong case for allowing contributors to identify suppliers in circumstances where there is a significant track record of poor quality work across the experience of several independant individuals?
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by ajscomboman »

Gents i don't have a problem with information of poor service etc, being released. I would however ask for the tone of the replies to be a litte more moderate.
Steve Martin
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by Steve Martin »

I agree we should conduct our discussions with moderation. In the case in point I feel we have the moral high ground, and it would be a pity to undermine that by incautious expression of feeling. However, for those who have been luckier than others with this firm, the range of responses does illustrate the real sense of personal affront felt by those less fortunate.

One device employed by the firm is to question the accuracy of the component parts involved; in my case making statements about the assembly that were just not true. Might it be possible to produce a set of spec sheets for the relevant areas on at least the 'standard' models? This could be validated by the Club, and be available to 'call the bluff' in disputes of this nature. It might also be quite useful for those seeking information in a more general context, eg. 'crossover' compatibility.

As far as I can see, while it is possible to mix frames and engines, the factors governing the fit of the exhaust system come down to the position of the port, determined by the engine type, the front frame bracket, the clearance for the front footrest, kickstart lever and centre stand, and the silencer bracket arrangement. The variations are not infinite, and there is a high degree of compatibilty across models of a given period. It should be possible to produce a definitive account for the models and years specified in the firm's catalogue, that would positively identify a 'correct' arrangement, certainly for a standard model, and probably the more common 'hybrids', eg a G11 engine in a G12 frame of appropriate year. With your bike correct in these respects, [whatever 'bitsa' approach applied elsewhere on it], and barring any obvious damage or modifications, if the pattern parts didn't fit, they are wrong, not your bike.

I believe my '58 G3LS to be 'correct'; though the frame and engine numbers don't match they have been dated as Oct.'57 and Feb.'58 respectively. The exhaust system is believed to be original. The front bracket and footrest are as the list, the silencer has the illustrated angled bracket that fits behind the rear footrest mounting, and everything fits smoothly in line without straining. Where is that 'wrong'? I already have a set of pictures and measurements of the dimensions and clearances that govern such a fit, [and a comparative set for the pattern items]. Similar information for a range of models could be arranged into a table.

Does this sound practical and useful? I think I would find it interesting. Between us we should be able to sort out the truth!

Would anyone else be interested in supplying information?

Cheers, Steve.
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exhaust system for a g11

Post by Biscuit »

So two complaints in this thread plus two more I can find in the preceding year is conclusive is it? On this basis perhaps I can claim that my five satisfactory systems are also conclusive.

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exhaust system for a g11

Post by TommoT »

...well in a forum with so few participants, that is quite substantial. And there is also a world outside this, where similar stories abound....But of course all our views are coloured by our own and friends' experiences.

May I hasten to add that I have bought, from this company, a very well fitting complete exhaust system for my G80S. Only problem is when I bought another, for exactly the same bike 5 years later, suddenly the same partno. no longer fitted! And my bike has not mutated over 5 years!

If a forum like this (although it should have been the General Forum) is not the right place to exchange such experiences, I don't know where would?

Edited by - TommoT on 13 Mar 2006 9:43:59 PMEdited by - TommoT on 13 Mar 2006 9:45:06 PM

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exhaust system for a g11

Post by Dick Hobart »

In the newsletter for my section of the VMCC we have a facility for members to pass on recommendations of firms that have served them well. We do NOT touch the negative! Far better to simply "vote with your feet" rather than risk libel. As my old Mum used to say "Be to virtues very kind - be to faults a little blind".
In my experience of them to date Feked are good, by the way!