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Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:09 pm
by itma
I don`t think Janet needs any help with her navigation skills Micheal, seems to be quite able to find her way about[:)] and if she went through Swindon she was well lost.!!!!
re the last point there is a decent old-fashioned pub in the wilds near here, ie good beer, menu = pickled eggs and crisps,, no four courses meals or wine lists with two large fields about 8 acres, +overflow if needed,and basic facilities which would be ideal, more important they are bike friendly, have marquee and will set up to cater grub if needed. Honda club are frequent tenants.
Also more elaborate grub nearby and curry, kebabs et al for the connoisseur 2 miles away.Can`t figure out why its not used more often. Did once try to organise AMC non -jampot rally for the rigids but got shot down by the misery crew, still sore about it[:(]


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:52 pm
by Biscuit
Pickled eggs? crisps? curry and kebabs for the connoisseur? Crikey no wonder your rigid rally bit the dust.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:23 pm
by Janet
Well Nellie got me home in just minutes under 7 hours. She was still spluttering at times but it was a stalwart performance and I'm proud of her. Neville, Ted had a wonderful time. He likes being the centre of attraction and he's looking forward to his next trip.
I enjoyed the rally but would have been equally happy in a place such as Ken describes. I'm not one for the entertainment and I self cater. For me that's part of the fun of camping. I take my own folding wash bowl so can keep clean without showers. I like to have a toilet and a water tap. But I also have a bucket.............

I prefer the bank holiday for the Jampot as it makes it a long weekend. I can get time off from work but not everyone can, although most get the bank holiday Monday. I'm no good at organising things and speaking to the relevant authorities so couldn't organise a Jampot, but I'd willingly help any section with the work during the event, or even turn up beforehand to help with setting up.

We really mustn't let it die, even if it means changing back a little.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:51 pm
by itma
Sorry Alan, left the sarcastic quotation marks off "connoisseur", I meant to illustrate it`s about the only "pub" for miles, rather than a meeting place for the cocktail set so abundant around here. My notion was for a rather more gastronomic event along the lines of the French rallies, Wiltshire being the home of some famous ham eggs and sausages for a start, to say nothing of the award winning vineyard down the road, plus some expensive eating pubs. Sadly one has to cater for the common element, one or two decent breweries in the area too. Still, won`t go down that avenue again.
Must say the high point of the day was seeing Janet go into her tent all kitted up in black and emerging later colourful as from a chrysalis[:)]
My preference is for September, [ mists and mellow fruitfulness etc]
which generally seems to have better weather than August these days, plus I find it a bit more mellow, the tractors are off the lanes, and the brats at school. Don`t see why it needs a 4 day slot either.
The above remarks are not meant to denegrate the efforts that go into these events either, which are enjoyed and appreciated


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:02 pm
by Janet
quote:Originally posted by Ken Bryant

Don`t see why it needs a 4 day slot either.

So that you don't arrive so worn out on Friday night that you can't do anything much on Saturday, which would have to be the main event and then have to leave early on Sunday morning. It wouldn't be worth all the travelling for many people.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:28 pm
by itma

edited.... changed mind..


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:35 pm
by Janet
quote:Originally posted by Ken Bryant

edited.... changed mind..

Too late, I saw what you typed.[}:)]


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:21 am
by Biscuit
That demonstrates the importance of grammar and punctuation Ken, There have been several diatribes, sorry informative postings on the forum, but the utter lack of punctuation and capital letters just causes me to lose interest and turn off.


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:00 am
by Merlin
Alan you are getting just like Ken are you brothers?[}:)]


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:43 am
by Janet
quote:Originally posted by Alan Jacobs

That demonstrates the importance of grammar and punctuation Ken, There have been several diatribes, sorry informative postings on the forum, but the utter lack of punctuation and capital letters just causes me to lose interest and turn off.

Actually, no, it demonstrates the importance of being careful what you write about me, as I am watching you. [:D]