Fenrunners Extended Notes Nov 14

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Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:27 pm

Fenrunners Extended Notes Nov 14

Post by Reynard24 »

November is the Fenrunners AGM and with Rex being absent James took the role of temporary chairman for the meeting.
Keith and Kate were returned as Treasurer and Secretary respectively and following a further vote James became section chairman for the coming year.

Mike and Alan suggested that Rex should be offered the post of Honorary President for his dedication to the section over the years which was unanimously supported by all present. James said he would contact Rex and offer this to him. Everyone hoped he would accept.

With the officers voted in Keith gave the treasurer's report and once again we have made a small surplus. To keep the coffers full it was decided to scrap the club subsidy on the fish & chip supper in December and to keep the one pound donation for club organised runs and the quiz. This should help us to stay in the black next year.

Pete H asked if the runs could be advertised in the "Wot's On" section of the Jampot and where possible we will do this but we'll also try e-mailing and phone calls for those last minute runs so if you change e-mail address or phone numbers please tell Kate so she can update the contacts list.

Adrian asked if anyone would like to join him on the Stelvio Rally in June and to be honest I think we were all a little shocked that anyone would take one of our old clunkers so high into the mountains but if anyone is interested Adrian has space for both bike and rider. Please contact Adrian for details.

We discussed organising a Jampot or Alternative for 2017 possibly with help/collaboration from a neighbouring section. James said he would contact the HoE and Suffolk sections and report back.

There were some good suggestions for next year's Neville Cross Memorial Run and these will be explored over the coming months to ensure a repeat of this years excellent run and charity donation to the East Anglian Children's Hospice at Milton.

Trevor enjoyed (or endured) a significant birthday in October and missed the section meeting in October as he was away celebrating but he was belatedly presented with a cake which was once again baked and decorated by Keith's wife Lesley.

Kate won the raffle and took the night's prize of £6.50 (the jackpot was only slightly higher)

Next month is fish & chip supper so please arrive at Girton by 19.30 so that we don't eat too late.
